cminusf_builder.hpp 3.72 KB
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#pragma once

#include "BasicBlock.hpp"
#include "Constant.hpp"
#include "Function.hpp"
#include "IRBuilder.hpp"
#include "Module.hpp"
#include "Type.hpp"
#include "ast.hpp"

#include <map>
#include <memory>

class Scope {
    // enter a new scope
    void enter() { inner.emplace_back(); }

    // exit a scope
    void exit() { inner.pop_back(); }

    bool in_global() { return inner.size() == 1; }

    // push a name to scope
    // return true if successful
    // return false if this name already exits
    bool push(const std::string& name, Value *val) {
        auto result = inner[inner.size() - 1].insert({name, val});
        return result.second;

    Value *find(const std::string& name) {
        for (auto s = inner.rbegin(); s != inner.rend(); s++) {
            auto iter = s->find(name);
            if (iter != s->end()) {
                return iter->second;

        // Name not found: handled here?
        assert(false && "Name not found in scope");

        return nullptr;

    std::vector<std::map<std::string, Value *>> inner;

class CminusfBuilder : public ASTVisitor {
    CminusfBuilder() {
        module = std::make_unique<Module>();
        builder = std::make_unique<IRBuilder>(nullptr, module.get());
        auto *TyVoid = module->get_void_type();
        auto *TyInt32 = module->get_int32_type();
        auto *TyFloat = module->get_float_type();

        auto *input_type = FunctionType::get(TyInt32, {});
        auto *input_fun = Function::create(input_type, "input", module.get());

        std::vector<Type *> output_params;
        auto *output_type = FunctionType::get(TyVoid, output_params);
        auto *output_fun = Function::create(output_type, "output", module.get());

        std::vector<Type *> output_float_params;
        auto *output_float_type = FunctionType::get(TyVoid, output_float_params);
        auto *output_float_fun =
            Function::create(output_float_type, "outputFloat", module.get());

        auto *neg_idx_except_type = FunctionType::get(TyVoid, {});
        auto *neg_idx_except_fun = Function::create(
            neg_idx_except_type, "neg_idx_except", module.get());

        scope.push("input", input_fun);
        scope.push("output", output_fun);
        scope.push("outputFloat", output_float_fun);
        scope.push("neg_idx_except", neg_idx_except_fun);

    std::unique_ptr<Module> getModule() { return std::move(module); }

    virtual Value *visit(ASTProgram &) override final;
    virtual Value *visit(ASTNum &) override final;
    virtual Value *visit(ASTVarDeclaration &) override final;
    virtual Value *visit(ASTFunDeclaration &) override final;
    virtual Value *visit(ASTParam &) override final;
    virtual Value *visit(ASTCompoundStmt &) override final;
    virtual Value *visit(ASTExpressionStmt &) override final;
    virtual Value *visit(ASTSelectionStmt &) override final;
    virtual Value *visit(ASTIterationStmt &) override final;
    virtual Value *visit(ASTReturnStmt &) override final;
    virtual Value *visit(ASTAssignExpression &) override final;
    virtual Value *visit(ASTSimpleExpression &) override final;
    virtual Value *visit(ASTAdditiveExpression &) override final;
    virtual Value *visit(ASTVar &) override final;
    virtual Value *visit(ASTTerm &) override final;
    virtual Value *visit(ASTCall &) override final;

    std::unique_ptr<IRBuilder> builder;
    Scope scope;
    std::unique_ptr<Module> module;

    struct {
        // function that is being built
        Function *func = nullptr;
        // TODO: you should add more fields to store state
    } context;