syntax_analyzer.y 5.33 KB
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

#include "syntax_tree.h"

// external functions from lex
extern int yylex();
extern int yyparse();
extern int yyrestart();
extern FILE * yyin;

// external variables from lexical_analyzer module
extern int lines;
extern char * yytext;
extern int pos_end;
extern int pos_start;

// Global syntax tree
syntax_tree *gt;

// Error reporting
void yyerror(const char *s);

// Helper functions written for you with love
syntax_tree_node *node(const char *node_name, int children_num, ...);

/* Complete this definition.
   Hint: See pass_node(), node(), and syntax_tree.h.
         Use forward declaring. */
%union {
     struct _syntax_tree_node * node;
	 char * name;

/* Your tokens here. */
%token <node> ERROR
%token <node> ADD
%token <node> SUB
%token <node> MUL
%token <node> DIV
%token <node> LT
%token <node> LTE
%token <node> GT
%token <node> GTE
%token <node> EQ
%token <node> NEQ
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%token <node> ASSIGN
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52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
%token <node> SEMICOLON
%token <node> COMMA
%token <node> LPARENTHESE
%token <node> RPARENTHESE
%token <node> LBRACKET
%token <node> RBRACKET
%token <node> LBRACE
%token <node> RBRACE
%token <node> ELSE
%token <node> IF
%token <node> INT
%token <node> RETURN
%token <node> VOID
%token <node> WHILE
%token <node> IDENTIFIER
%token <node> INTEGER
68 69
%token <node> FLOAT             // 这个token 对应float 关键字
%token <node> FLOATPOINT        // 这个token 对应 浮点数值, 如果分不清的同学可以参考type-specifier的文法和对应产生式规则
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//%token <node> EOL
//%token <node> BLANK
//%token <node> COMMENT
%type <node> program declaration-list declaration var-declaration type-specifier fun-declaration params param-list param compound-stmt local-declarations statement-list statement expression-stmt selection-stmt iteration-stmt return-stmt expression var simple-expression relop additive-expression addop term mulop factor integer float call args arg-list

/* compulsory starting symbol */
%start program

/* Your rules here. TA has completed many */

program : 	declaration-list {$$ = node( "program", 1, $1); gt->root = $$;}

declaration-list 	: 	declaration-list declaration {$$ = node( "declaration-list", 2, $1, $2);}
					|	declaration {$$ = node( "declaration-list", 1, $1);}

declaration : 	var-declaration {$$ = node( "declaration", 1, $1);}
			| 	fun-declaration {$$ = node( "declaration", 1, $1);}

var-declaration : 	type-specifier IDENTIFIER SEMICOLON {$$ = node( "var-declaration", 3, $1, $2, $3);}
                | 	type-specifier IDENTIFIER LBRACKET INTEGER RBRACKET SEMICOLON {$$ = node( "var-declaration", 6, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);}

type-specifier 	: 	INT {$$ = node( "type-specifier", 1, $1);}
				| 	FLOAT { $$ = node( "type-specifier", 1, $1); }
				| 	VOID {$$ = node( "type-specifier", 1, $1);}

fun-declaration : 	type-specifier IDENTIFIER LPARENTHESE params RPARENTHESE compound-stmt {$$ = node( "fun-declaration", 6, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);}

params 	: 	param-list {$$ = node( "params", 1, $1);}
		|	VOID {$$ = node( "params", 1, $1);}

param-list 	: 	param-list COMMA param {$$ = node( "param-list", 3, $1, $2, $3);}
			| 	param {$$ = node( "param-list", 1, $1);}

param 	: 	type-specifier IDENTIFIER {$$ = node( "param", 2, $1, $2);}
		| 	type-specifier IDENTIFIER LBRACKET RBRACKET {$$ = node( "param", 4, $1, $2, $3, $4);}

compound-stmt 	: 	LBRACE local-declarations statement-list RBRACE {$$ = node( "compound-stmt", 4, $1, $2, $3, $4);}

local-declarations 	: 	local-declarations var-declaration {$$ = node( "local-declarations", 2, $1, $2);}
| 	{$$ = node( "local-declarations",0);}

statement-list 	: 	statement-list statement {$$ = node( "statement-list", 2, $1, $2);}
| 	{$$ = node( "statement-list",0);}
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126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181
// TODO: phase1. 补充其他的文法产生式逻辑


/// The error reporting function.
void yyerror(const char * s)
    // TO STUDENTS: This is just an example.
    // You can customize it as you like.
    fprintf(stderr, "error at line %d column %d: %s\n", lines, pos_start, s);

/// Parse input from file `input_path`, and prints the parsing results
/// to stdout.  If input_path is NULL, read from stdin.
/// This function initializes essential states before running yyparse().
syntax_tree *parse(const char *input_path)
    if (input_path != NULL) {
        if (!(yyin = fopen(input_path, "r"))) {
            fprintf(stderr, "[ERR] Open input file %s failed.\n", input_path);
    } else {
        yyin = stdin;

    lines = pos_start = pos_end = 1;
    gt = new_syntax_tree();
    return gt;

/// A helper function to quickly construct a tree node.
/// e.g. $$ = node("program", 1, $1);
syntax_tree_node *node(const char *name, int children_num, ...)
    syntax_tree_node *p = new_syntax_tree_node(name);
    syntax_tree_node *child;
    // 这里表示 epsilon结点是通过 children_num == 0 来判断的
    if (children_num == 0) {
        child = new_syntax_tree_node("epsilon");
        syntax_tree_add_child(p, child);
    } else {
        va_list ap;
        va_start(ap, children_num);
        for (int i = 0; i < children_num; ++i) {
            child = va_arg(ap, syntax_tree_node *);
            syntax_tree_add_child(p, child);
    return p;